

    Prostaglandin E₂, also known as dinoprostone, is a naturally occurring prostaglandin with oxytocic properties that is used as a medication. Dinoprostone is used in labor induction, bleeding after delivery, termination of pregnancy, and in newborn babies to keep the ductus arteriosus open. Wikipedia
    Formula: C20H32O5
    Molar mass352.4651 g/mol
    CAS ID: 363-24-6
    Other names: PGE2, (5Z,11α,13E,15S)-11,15-Dihydroxy-9-oxo-prosta-5,13-dien-1-oic acid
    ATC codeG02AD02 (WHO)
    License dataEU EMA: by INN; US DailyMed: Dinoprostone


    Buy Dinoprostone Online

    Dinoprostone is used to cause an abortion during weeks 12-20 of pregnancy. It is also used up to week 28 of pregnancy to help vaginally remove any remaining material in the womb from a miscarriage/missed abortion. This medication causes the womb to contract and push out its contents, including the placenta and the fetus/unborn baby, whether living or not. Dinoprostone is a natural substance (prostaglandin) that your body makes in preparation for labor. It softens and widens the opening of the womb and increases contractions. It is also used to treat a certain type of womb problem (benign hydatiform mole). This medication should not be used for cervical ripening or any other use in a pregnancy that is near the time of delivery.

    This drug is used vaginally. Allow the suppository to warm to room temperature and remove the foil before use. The suppository is inserted high in the vagina by a health care professional, and you must remain in a reclined or lying-down position for at least 10 minutes after insertion. More doses may be used every 3-5 hours until the desired effect occurs. Do not use it for more than 48 hours.

    This medication should only be used in a hospital setting with trained medical care available. You will be monitored for changes in your womb (such as water breaking, and strong/long-lasting contractions). If the desired result has not occurred in 48 hours, or if the abortion is not complete, other treatment (such as surgical removal) may be needed. This medication may be used with a medication given by vein (oxytocin) to help strengthen the contractions. It is very important that all of the products of pregnancy (such as fetal/unborn baby tissue, and placenta) are removed to prevent serious, rarely fatal problems such as severe infection and bleeding.

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