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CERVIDIL is a medication delivered through a vaginal insert that assists with labor by softening the cervix and preparing it for birth. CERVIDIL is also the only FDA-approved vaginal insert for cervical ripening. That’s worth noting because all drugs must be proven safe and effective to the FDA’s standards before companies can market them.
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CERVIDIL is designed to get your body ready for delivery. Each CERVIDIL vaginal insert contains a medicine called dinoprostone, which is similar to a natural prostaglandin found in your body. Dinoprostone signals your body to begin the process that helps your cervix gradually soften, thin, and dilate (open) as it would have done naturally.buy Cervidil online
This medication is used to help prepare your cervix (the lower opening of the womb) for labor and delivery. It is used in women who are having a normal pregnancy and who are at or near their delivery due date. Dinoprostone is a natural substance that your body makes in preparation for labor. It relaxes and softens your cervix (cervical ripening) to allow the baby to pass through the birth canal during delivery.how to buy Cervidil online
How to use Cervidil Insert, Extended Release
This drug is inserted high in your vagina next to the cervix by a health care professional. You will be lying down while the medication is placed, and you will usually need to continue lying down for 2 hours after insertion. The health care professional will tell you when you can get up and walk around. order Cervidil online
This medication should only be used in a hospital setting with trained medical care available. You will be monitored for changes in your cervix, for signs of active labor (such as water breaking, strong sustained contractions), and for your baby’s condition. The health care professional will remove the insert if there are side effects, after 12 hours, or when it is no longer needed. The drug’s effects wear off quickly after the insert is removed.where to buy Cervidil online
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